


Happy 500th blog post. Here's to the next 500!

Image via here.


Missoni for Target

So, I have a bit of a soft spot for Missoni...While I was studying abroad in London, I actually got to attend a Missoni Fashion Show at the V & A Museum. Pictured above is my program and some pics I snapped at the event. It was fabulous!!

I think it's pretty great that Target partners with major designers like Missoni to bring chic & affordable goods to the masses. The clothing was ultra picked over (after only a few short hours on the shelves), but I was stoked about the homewares I scored!



It's so hard to believe that my baby is already 2 months old today! It feels like just yesterday that I was standing in our kitchen telling Wayde about my positive pregnancy test...

We are so in love with our Ruby Jayne! She is a very attentive little girl. She loves being talked to and has been cooing in response. She also enjoys sucking her thumb. We hope it doesn't become a problem, but for now it's too adorable to watch! Actually, I'm kind of relieved that she's learning to pacify herself.

I return to work in 3 weeks and am not quite sure how she's going to handle it (or myself for that matter)!! I love that I've been able to spend as much time as home with her as I have...I wish it could be longer!


My Creative Dilemma's been awhile since I've kept this blog updated with new posts. A lot has happened since last Fall! Giving birth to our baby girl, Ruby, has completely changed our world (for the better).

I wasn't quite prepared for how much the pregnancy and weeks following the delivery were going to wipe me out. There was so much I was hoping to get done during my 12 week maternity leave! So far, it's been a lot of time spent cuddling on the couch, which I wouldn't change for anything.

It was important to me that I document this time in our life, but how? As a creative person, I felt a lot of pressure to produce something unique & meaningful. What resulted was a handful of photos displaying my week-to-week progress and a slew of shoddy pics captured on my iPod.

I was stumped.

I have to do better than this.

Good news is that it's not too late!

This time around, I'm not going to get hung up on blog hits. I might not post as regularly as I did a year ago. This might not be the kind of blog you'd be interested in reading anymore.

But I will be producing more original content focusing on the life & times of this crafty, working mama & blogger. I'm still ironing out some of the details I'd like to feature, but you are invited to see what happens in this next chapter of soZealous!! Thanks to all who have supported me on the journey thus far xx