

Cookie Weekend!!

One of my favorite Christmastime traditions is a little something call we call COOKIE WEEKEND with Wayde's Step-Mom Leslie & younger sister Paytin at their home in Northern Iowa.

We basically hole up in their beautiful bungalow-style home for the entire weekend watching movies, playing games, decorating cookies, and eating ourselves silly.

There were soups, pies, fancy dips, & relish trays on every kitchen surface made available at all times. Leslie sure knows how to spoil us;)

Their small town hosts a Saturday morning pancake breakfast with a visit from Santa Claus, which we've been including in our annual visit since Ruby was born.

All I can say is that last year's meeting with Santa wasn't quite as dramatic as this year's...oh, my.

These two under the mistletoe just melts my heart...

Ruby's 1st cookie decorating attempt! She helped spread on the frosting & shook on the sprinkles. Such a proud mama...

Most Creative Cookie Award would have to go to Uncle Andy. GO VIKINGS!!

Ruby's tween Aunties introduced her to One Direction this visit. The kiddos had a huge 1D dance party while the adults played Balderdash. This might have been the first time I got to play an entire board game since Ruby was born.

She was so busy playing with all the other kids that I wouldn't even see her for long stretches of time. My baby is becoming less of a baby every day...

Ruby new castle from G-Ma Leslie, which she ADORES. Leslie may not realize it, but she's taught me a lot about the kind of hostess I would like to be someday when we have our own house.

This weekend always comes and goes too quickly, but we are already SO looking forward to next year!!