And just like that, it's almost March. Time sure flies once you have a little one to gage the passing of it. My hiatus can be attributed to a variety of factors:
1. Netflix. We re-opened our account back in February and I've blazed through several entire series since (Downton Abbey, The Walking Dead, not to mention dozens of random other things). I do not admit this because I'm proud. Just tired, most of the time. Also, it's winter!
2. We've relocated! A couple months ago, I posted a "home buying wishlist" that I was beginning to feel was out of reach until we found a cozy little place with everything I hoped for. Well, minus a dishwasher. But that can be remedied in the future. The beautiful hardwood floors, working fireplace, and breakfast nook sort of won me over. From the first time we walked through the door, it just felt special. Like home, or something. I'll post some photos, when I get around to it;) Which leads me to the real reason behind our urgency to purchase a home...
3. Baby #2 is on the way! Yes, it's true! It looks like we'll have another July baby if this child decides to come out around his or her due date. And we don't plan on finding out the gender ahead of time like we did with Ruby. It just makes things a little more exciting, don't you think??
So that's what's up. I don't guarantee more frequent postings, but it doesn't mean I haven't missed blogging. It's just that life has been happening fast and I've been trying to be more intentional about soaking it in rather than reporting about know?
You can follow me on Bloglovin for new posts or Instagram for the latest happenings...xx