

On-the-job Dressing

I was a tingle to find a 1966 Fall/ Winter issue of Simplicity Magazine at a rummage sale today. The advertisements, sketches, and clothing highlights had me glued! But the most intriguing article was a complete in-depth analysis for "On-the-job Dressing".

Here are some valuable tips I picked up on succeeding fashionably in the business world (which will come in handy upon my re-entrance into it):

1). Proper clothes, good make-up and girdles are the working girl's best friends.
2). Wear a sweater and skirt on the job? ONLY if it's worn with scarf or pin, proper shoes, gloves.
3). For on-the-job prettiness, do have a neat shiny hairdo. Never wear hair clips or rollers, even under a scarf, on the job.
4). Smart job-dressing: two dresses that go two places with a change of accessories.
5). The girl with big ideas about her job, about a life of her own, looks her best AT ALL TIMES.

And last, but certainly not least, remember:

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