If you are an art lover and in the Des Moines area this weekend, then you have an *awesome* couple of days ahead of you! Here's a few things to check out:
• The Des Moines Art Festival - Sure, there's a lot of people and you have to shuffle through scores of tents at a snail's pace, but at least go to check out the Iowa Emerging Artists booths. It's a treat to see all the local artists on the verge and by far is my favorite part of the fest.
• Market Day Iowa - This will be the first Market Day that I haven't been out of town or had to work, so I'm definitely looking forward to it. Featuring the best of the best in Iowa handmade arts AND crafts. Not "arts & crafts".
• Vitae Design Collective is hosting a trunk Show for Rock n Reconstruct & Little Pretties. Sale takes place this Sunday at their new location in the East Village from 1-4 p.m. There will be discounted merch & appetizers.
[Image credits: iamtough tumblr; Market Day Facebook page.]
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