

A Day In The Life [16/31].

Nothing quite motivates you to be intentional with your time than committing to photograph your day hour-by-hour. I wasn't sure what I'd end up with (or if it would even be worth blogging), but I think it's safe to say that this is a pretty accurate account of a typical day in the life of this beginner SAHM.

9 A.M. - Sweet Sterling in a sea of Lalaloopsy dolls [outfit #1]. With Papa fresh out the door, this is the time things really get started. I did not have the good fortune of taking a shower today.

10 A.M. - For some reason, Ruby is more into pens & blank paper over coloring books & crayons. Is that typical for a 2 yr old? Also, this lasted about 1 minute.

11 A.M. - T.V. is on while I'm tidying up/ figuring out what to fix for lunch. Just being real here.

12 P.M. - Ruby is the pokiest little eater in the land. I think we got started around 11:20 A.M.? As long as Sterling [outfit #2] is happy in his swing, I'll try to clean up the kitchen, etc. I actually made smoothies today!

1 P.M. - I finally get Sterling to sleep, take this beautiful picture, and he's up after, like, 3 minutes. This boy does not sleep well unless he is being held or in his car seat. He also won't take a pacifier or allow me to carry him in the Bjorn either. I love all the snuggles, but it's hard to get anything done.

2 P.M. - The view from "Mommy Daddy's room". 1 of 2 kids are sleeping now. I usually sit next to Ruby as she falls asleep while nursing Sterling. Depending on the day, I'll take a nap too at this point. I was not so lucky today since there was some construction going on at a neighbor's and men yelling outside of my house.

3 P.M. - I've got a load of laundry in the wash and a sink full of dishes. So productive today!

4 P.M. - Some chores are done. Sterling is napping. Time to catch up on my Bible-in-a-year readings (which I am falling slightly behind on). I also squeezed in an episode of New Girl since Ruby was still asleep.

5 P.M. - Dinner prep time. Trader Joe's pollo asado in spinach wraps. Not too shabby.

6 P.M. - Papa is home! And it's time to eat. We can all breathe a sigh of relief now. Sterling [outfit #3] doesn't usually sit at the dinner table with us, but he wanted to tonight.

7 P.M. - Post-dinner cuddles with my little man. He did not get very good naps today, so here's hoping he'll sleep well tonight!

8 P.M. - Bath time with Ruby. This girl is pure entertainment pretty much all of the time.

9 P.M. - FINALLY sitting down to blog, but not on my own terms. This post took about an hour to write between rocking/ walking/ nursing Sterling. A Mama's work is never done...

Hope you enjoyed "spending the day" with us!!

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