

Bonfire Night [5/31].

Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." I definitely think this quote can be applied to parenting. Because if you think you can get away with hauling your infant to a late night birthday bonfire for a dear friend, then you should totally do it.

Since Ruby was with Grandma & PeePaw for the night and Sterling is still pretty much on his own sleep schedule, we figured it wouldn't hurt to attempt to take him over to Noble Oaks "Farm" and say 'hi' to the birthday girl. Worst case scenario: he'd get cranky and we'd go home. Best case scenario: we'd get to stay and hang out for awhile. I wasn't expecting him to fall asleep on my chest as I chatted with friends by the fire until one in the morning though...!

Snuggling my baby boy in the "Bjorn". I've tried an ERGO and a ring sling with this little man and, surprisingly, the BB is is favorite. It had been at my parent's house for ages, so last night was the first time we tried it with himsuccess!

Leslie's LEGIT campfire layer cake. I'm not a good enough writer to describe the deliciousness of this confection and do it justice.

Such a good night and SO good for this mama's soul. xx

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