I'm Not Beyonce [14/31].
Maybe you've seen this quote floating around the Pinterest boards. The first time I saw it, my initial though was—"Damn, right! What's MY deal?!" And I kept thinking about it. What I had originally found motivating about the quote soon became intimidating.
Why does it feel like I am accomplishing so little in these 24 hours I have been given?
Need I remind myself that comparison is the thief of joy. And making comparisons to Beyonce isn't doing anyone any good. There's no denying that Beyonce has worked very hard to get where she is. The woman is an enigma.
What the quote fails to mention though is that is takes a village to keep Beyonce operating at the level she is at. Beyonce has a personal assistant, a publicist, stylists, a nanny—and it's likely that is just scratching the surface of her entourage.
I think it takes a village to do this whole motherhood thing well too. The first families up until recently (in the scope of mankind) heavily relied on their extended families in raising their nuclear families. So why is there so much pressure nowadays to carry this duty alone?
One thing about motherhood that has maybe forced me out of my comfort zone more than anything is learning to ask for help when I need it. You guys. SO hard for me. It's taken a few (rather embarrassing) emotional outbursts to realize this about myself.
My husband & I had made the decision to put down roots near our families with the idea of having kids in mind. And you know what? I am so glad we did. Because being a Mama is a tough gig. Don't get me wrong, it is THE BEST, but it does not come without its trials (and gray hairs).
I rely on my Grandma to come over and hold baby Sterling when my to-do list is overwhelming. I rely on my Mom or Wayde's Mom to take Ruby for a few hours so I can catch up on work or have a quiet night in. And I rely on my Sister to help entertain the kids with me when Papa is out doing band stuff.
I used to feel burdened in having to ask these women for help, but I think each one of them would agree that they enjoy the opportunity to spend time with my little ones and to feel needed. I would like to think that my children's lives will be richer for having these women (and so many others) feeding into them.
So, I'm not Beyonce. I can't do it all. And that's ok. I'm just very fortunate to have the people in my life that are helping me make it through.xx
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