

The Start of Something [Day 1/31].

After linking up with the other 31 Days bloggers last night, I was feeling excited and confident. I went to bed early (well, 11pm if you consider that early) with the intention of writing my first post before the kids woke up. But when kids are involved, I should know better not to plan for things like that.

Sterling was up at least every two hours throughout the night. And each time I was up with him, my mind raced over possibly 31 Days topics. So when I woke up for the day too early (if you consider 6:30am early), I was beginning to feel like I had signed up for a marathon that I didn't train for.

I took a shower. At least my chances of succeeding in this day were slightly increased if I felt somewhat refreshed. I sat down with the laptop. And then the kids got up. The whole part of being a SAHM is spending intentional time with my children, so I closed the laptop. I made breakfast, even going as far as blending up some smoothies (!). I pretended to be a mama lion (and a mama horse and a mama duck, at Ruby's request). And after I tidied up the kitchen (key word: tidy, not cleaned), I cuddled with my kids on the couch.

Unless I turned on the telly for Ruby and plopped Sterling in his swing, this post was getting further and further away from being posted. So, I did the next best thing. I walked my babes down to the coffee shop.

I knew Sterling would fall asleep in the stroller and Ruby could watch an episode of Caillou while I cleared my head and loaded up on some caffeine. I am still re-acclimating myself to the stuff. I gave it up during my pregnancy, so I still get a bit shaky upon consuming it. Any little boost of energy helps though when there are two little people involved.

I also received acknowledgment of my resignation this morning. If it didn't feel official yet, it does now. We've been working toward this for a long time, but it still wasn't an easy decision to make. I am walking away from a really good job. It'll be tight on one income. I may still need to pick up some part-time work in a couple months.

But I believe that God has given me enough confirmation to go through with this. He's definitely opened some doors that otherwise would not have made this opportunity to possible. And I am so, SO grateful. I believe that he will take care of us in this new season. And I am looking forward to documenting the ways he reveals Himself to me as a beginner SAHM throughout this 31 day blog challenge. xx

Post script - The first draft of this post was written by hand.

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