


Wish it. Dream it. Tweet it. That's what our friend, Chris, did back in January when he longingly pined for a summertime escape (on a lake with a dock he could jump off of) back in chilly January. Another friend, Taylor, saw his social media message and responded with the offer of her family's lake house for a long weekend. Which is how we all ended up in the Ozarks for one BONKERS getaway (I'm looking at you, Es!).

SOOOOOOOO much relaxation stationing. ALL DAY. EVERY DAY. 

Some things on YouTube can never been unseen...

Our late-night attempt at skillet s'mores sans skillet. The brownie pan made for a decent replacement. 

Our burly boy, Sterling, turned ONE on our Ozarks friend va-cay!! We threw him a proper birthday party at home after our trip, but we couldn't NOT do anything on his actual birthday:)

RubyRed, as we lovingly refer to this duo (Mason RED + RUBY Jayne), go way back. They were born 4 days apart in the same hospital & they fight like an old married couple. We joke around that these two will have the best wedding slideshow EVER should they decide to get to hitched someday. But no pressure, kids;)

Between the raucous games, midnight swimming, karaoke, & a twerk-off, so many fun memories were made. I've pretty much concluded that I need more friend vacations in my life. Well, more vacations in general. But doing it this way was a BLAST. xx

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