

My Fave Finds: The Mod Family Canvas [4/31]

Happy Saturday! In addition to posting my thrifting tips, I will also be sharing some of my favorite finds throughout this blog series. 

This week, I want to feature one of my all-time biggest scores from the secondhand circuit. I found this mod family canvas at a little place called Almost Free, back when it actually was a thrift shop as opposed to a junk store. I would pop in from time-to-time and leave with some surprising treasures. Namely, Michael Jackson's Thriller and Grandmaster Flash's The Message on vinyl. But that's a different story for a different day. Actually, that's the whole story. 

But back to my big was love at first site. I remember cramming it into my tiny car and enthusiastically bringing it home to a not-so-impressed husband. He kind of hated it, actually. This was not even considering the fact that the man sandwiched between the woman and baby eerily resembles Rob Blagojevich, the former governor of Illinois. Over time, he's accepted that it's not going anywhere.

The piece proudly hangs in our living room, listening in on our conversations and tuning in to our Amazon Prime shows. Oh yeah, did I tell you how much I paid for it? $5. Boo yah.

I am linking up with The Nester every day in October for #write31days. 
You can find a list of all 31 posts as they are published by clicking here


  1. This is insane. Pieces like this are what makes thrifting such a good idea.

    1. The kind of find that keeps you coming back for more:)
