I want to preface this post by saying there are entire blogs devoted to the subject of style, but this topic is important in finding what you love thrifing and feeling good about your purchases. Here are a few easy tips to help you define what your style is and hopefully provide some guidance the next time you find yourself sifting through the secondhand racks. This is what has worked for me, anyway.
Assess your style. This sort of introspection can be painful to some, but really getting an idea for what you like in conjunction with what is flattering with your body type is paramount in style success.
One thing I recommend is completing the Stitchfix questionnaire upon sign-up (and you don't actually need to purchase anything to fill it out). You will be asked questions about your dressing habits and view images that will paint a picture of your style leanings.
You can also find answers to this question by looking into your own wardrobe. Take note of the pieces that are in constant rotation. What colors do you keep coming back to? What doesn't look amazing on you?
Create a Pinterest board. This seems like kind of an obvious one, but it's the thing I like to study before taking friends out on their Thriftfix. It's your chance to dream and scheme how to look the way you feel on the inside. The Pinterest style board I've curated was done in a way where I would feel comfortable having somebody else shop for me if that was their only point of reference. The "related pins" feature has really helped me expand on some of those original pins, too.
Become a subscriber. When I'm not seeking out style inspiration, it helps to have it delivered to me. I've joined several mailing lists for some of my favorite stores simply to keep up on trends and for different styling ideas. I'll even look through a catalog before hitting the thrift store (or bring one along) to see if any styles or prints I might not normally gravitate towards are in the mainstream.
Email lists are another way to keep up with the ever-changing fashion landscape. And not just signing up for the auto-blast, chain store emails either. Hilary Rushford of Dean Street Society is a stylist who I have just recently discovered through the Influence Conference. Her style is impeccable and her advice is applicable to women in any stage of life. Basically, I look forward to her Style & Styleability emails because, even if it is a tip I am familiar with, she presents it in a completely fresh way.
Confession: I totally had a fan-girl moment when I met her at Influence. I probably even frightened her a bit (insert blushing emoji here). What is it about meeting admirable bloggers in real life that is so totally awkward?
I want to hear from you! What tips or habits have helped you discover your personal style?
I am linking up with The Nester every day in October for #write31days.
You can find a list of all 31 posts as they are published by clicking here.
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