Put some cork in it!
New ruffle bulletin boards now on Etsy!
Krylon H2O Latex Spray Paint Update— near IMPOSSIBLE to work with! Not only does it take FOREVER to dry, the possibility of drips is higher than any other spray I've work with.

Eco-Friend(lier) Spray Paint

Here's a link to an interesting article from Apartment Therapy on Krylon's new line of latex spray paints.
As a recent user of the H2O brand, it DOES take some getting used to. But for the benefit of the environment, this is a trade secret I AM willing to pass along:)
Could your walls use a treatment?

Don't be surprised to see anything like this in my dwelling.
Twogether at last!
So, I'm taking the initiative here to develop some kind of local Etsy ring (does that NOT sound like something you want to take part of?!), particularly through the networking site Twitter. This could entail craft nights, hang outs, material swaps, generally keeping an eye out for particular items that would help boost another crafter's arsenal, etc.
A Slew of new items on Etsy!

Don't just "love", friends—buy, Buy, BUY!!!
Creativity inspires creativity.

That's it, I'm Twit(ter)ing!
soZealous has officially joined the online society that is Twitter.
Currently there's more buzz than product to back it up, so I'll be working overtime to add some new merch on the Etsy account.
I'm also looking forward to my Minneapolis/ Memorial Weekend to do some thrifting & *hopefully* estate sale-ing with the lovely ladies of Heads Twogether. Check out their shop! It's much further along than mine...
Currently there's more buzz than product to back it up, so I'll be working overtime to add some new merch on the Etsy account.
I'm also looking forward to my Minneapolis/ Memorial Weekend to do some thrifting & *hopefully* estate sale-ing with the lovely ladies of Heads Twogether. Check out their shop! It's much further along than mine...
Everyone needs a little Christian Joy!

Inspiration abounds!
Someday, I'll learn to sew.
Now on Etsy!

At last, there are now 3 items posted to the soZealous Etsy store! I will continue to post more as I complete the projects.
It's (almost) ALIVE!
At this point I'm just working on pricing, item descriptions, etc. Which I now have more time since I'm minus my part-time retail job and plus one partner for life — 13 days into marriage!
So far, SO great:)
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