The Collective: (Top, left to right) Leslie of Urbanestics, Sarah of Good Posture, Dave & Seth of Save Deth; (Bottom, left to right) Erin of soZealous, Dena & Maren of Heads Twogether, and Jessie of Jessie Made This.
1st Annual Urbanestics Underground
Here's some shots from Saturday night's basement boutique! Photos by Leslie.

The Collective: (Top, left to right) Leslie of Urbanestics, Sarah of Good Posture, Dave & Seth of Save Deth; (Bottom, left to right) Erin of soZealous, Dena & Maren of Heads Twogether, and Jessie of Jessie Made This.
The Collective: (Top, left to right) Leslie of Urbanestics, Sarah of Good Posture, Dave & Seth of Save Deth; (Bottom, left to right) Erin of soZealous, Dena & Maren of Heads Twogether, and Jessie of Jessie Made This.
Heads Twogether
Ma Vie
Temporary Hiatus
For those if you who have been wondering about my absence, I have been ultra busy preparing for Urbanestics Underground this weekend! There will be lots of lovely pieces for sale and new items in the soZealous shop after that. December will hopefully bring a little more consistency to all forms of web interaction for me.
Also in December will be a "Made in Des Moines" profile of me in Juice! I will post any updates on that as they're received.
Best of the Week Vol. 10 (Belated)
1.) Kirke has amazing style...and is only 12 years old...?
2.) No deer were injured in the making of these pretty plaques on Etsy—check them out in the Nice Shop!
3.) Fishnet Wallpaper from Flavor Paper. Not even kidding.
4.) Html + Moleskins = Awesomeness.
5.) Stunning porfolio by Raphael Vicenzi on the Behance Network.
6.) Attention type addicts! The uppercase font scarf.
Best of the Week
Urbanestics Underground

Here's the official poster for our first ever "guerilla" craft fair!
Selling along with soZealous will be:
SaveDeth Yo-yo's, DVDs, Apparel
Good Posture Handmade items, Home Accessories
Urbanestics Vintage housewares, Handmade originals
Jessiemadethis Handcrafted jewelry, Metals
Heads Twogether Revamped vintage jewelry
Get your handmade in time for the holidays!
29TH NOVEMBER, 2008. 3810 SW BLUEGRASS DR, ANKENY, IA. 7-11pm.
Heads Twogether
Ma Vie
Best of the Week Vol. 9
1.) Delightful illustrated prints by Lab Partners (via Poppytalk). They also have an Etsy shop!
2.) Domino's feature on the apartment of J.Crew Creative Director, Jenna Lyons. I'm really into zebra prints right now...and chandeliers, always!
3.) This (appears to be) nameless blog is pure eyecandy.
4.) The little grungegypsy is at is again...image from her beautiful blog.
5.) Margaux Lange has an interesting portfolio of jewelry constructed from disassembled Barbie parts (link via Cool Hunting).
6.) "Prim & Proper" line of Eclectonote repurposed books by UPPERCASE. I'm sure you're already aware that I'm a big fan of all things revamped vintage!
Best of the Week
I've been tagged!
I had been seeing this around on some of my regular reads, so I was excited when the lovely Solanah tagged my blog! Her shop is one of my favorites on Etsy—check it out here!
The Rules:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
The List!
1. I can unicycle. I was taught by my amazing hubby who can ride down hills and hop logs on his.
2. I have been sprayed by a skunk.
3. I prefer my fruit cooked and my vegetables raw.
4. I have been in two major motion pictures. As an extra in Proof starring Gwyneth Paltrow, and a speaking part opposite Cillian Murphy in Peacock.
5. I am a Karaoke ALL-STAR. You wouldn't know it, but I am. And DDR.
6. I learned how to surf on the Tasman Sea.
7. I hope to travel to Iceland someday. Mainly because of the Sigur Ros Heima DVD.
The Tagged...
Chilly Minnesota
Mer Mag
Love Forever
Oh Happy Day
The Girl Who Married a Bear
Best of the Week Vol. 8
1.) Hint Mag had an beautiful photo feature on the "Happy House" of Siouxsie Sioux.
2.) Sexy tea set at Ruth Cross.
3.) My kind of...soiree. Chandeliers, short films and fashion @ Manoush party.
4.) 'Medic Esthetic' footwear by Gwendolyn Huskens.
5.) Dawn Cerny's delightful Pink Dot Girl.
6.) From Flickr fav. Lennah's current calendar project.
Best of the Week
polka dots
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