Le Petit Echo Malade (french translation: The Small Sick Echo) is one of the funniest things I've come across in a long time. I love the fact that two dudes have taken the time to parody some of the web's most affluent style bloggers. Imitation truly is the sincerest form of flattery...
2. Are
capsule hotels the next big thing?
Would You Rock This? is a social media experiment in which fashion designers can upload their illustrations and the public can vote on their favorite looks. It provides a space for the designer to get direct feedback from the consumer and a general feel for their particular market.
4. Take a stroll down memory lane and check out this The Baby Sitter's Club/ fashion tribute blog,
What Claudia Wore. Read clips of old stories & things you could never afford on a baby-sitter's salary.
5. The first ever screen adaptation of
Alice in Wonderland has been restored by the British Film Institute and available to watch in it's entirety. Made in 1903 on 33mm film, it has a running time of 9 minutes.
Karl Lagerfeld for...Coca-Cola? See it to believe it (fingers crossed this isn't some lingering April Fool's joke).