The final product is slated for a mid-June release. In the meantime, check out the first one we shot in which we dropped clues leading up to the big line-up announcement (DEATHCAB! AVETT BROTHERS! + MORE!!)
Just Another 80/35 Video...
Roadtrip to Omaha
It's not much of a trek for us, but it was just the mini-getaway we needed. Our little fam headed to Omaha this past weekend for some thrifting, good food, time with friends, and the spectacular Henry Doorly Zoo.
Dinner at Pitch Pizzeria.
Everyone we asked kept referring us to Lisa's Radial Cafe for breakfast. It was your typical greasy-spoon eating establishment, but it was well worth the trip!
I didn't really know what to expect taking an 11 month old to the zoo, but Ruby absolutely LOVED it. It's pretty amazing to see your child so engaged in everything around them. Though I'm in no hurry to rush through this phase of development, it definitely has me looking forward to all the places & things she'll discover as she grows older. xx
Bits & Pieces: Baby Girl's Room
I've posted about Ruby's room before, but not since it's actually been "lived in". At the time, we didn't even know if we were having a boy or a girl (hence the blue & green). Though we haven't done much to redecorate since she was born (almost 11 months ago), these are the little glimpses that I see every day and hope to always remember.
Hope you enjoyed this little peek inside Ruby's room!
Photos: 1. Sign on door, made by Mama. 2. Tissue paper balls, also made by Mama. 3. A patchwork pillow made by Aunt Amy, crocheted afghan that Great-Grandma made, and Ruby's well-loved Sophie the Giraffe . 4. Pretty little dresses; some new, some vintage. 5.Piggy bank from Eden, one of our most favorite shops in Des Moines. It's an old fashioned piggy bank, so the only way to take the money out is to break it!! I have yet to put an actual coin in it...6. Ruby's Jellycat, also purchased from Eden. 7. Tiny little shoes.
Photos: 1. Sign on door, made by Mama. 2. Tissue paper balls, also made by Mama. 3. A patchwork pillow made by Aunt Amy, crocheted afghan that Great-Grandma made, and Ruby's well-loved Sophie the Giraffe . 4. Pretty little dresses; some new, some vintage. 5.Piggy bank from Eden, one of our most favorite shops in Des Moines. It's an old fashioned piggy bank, so the only way to take the money out is to break it!! I have yet to put an actual coin in it...6. Ruby's Jellycat, also purchased from Eden. 7. Tiny little shoes.
This past weekend was particularly "Des Moinesian"...We made it down to our first downtown farmer's market of the season!! It's been far too long since we last indulged in some Tacopocalype tacos...DELICIOUS.
Wayde looked extra dapper in his denim on denim ensemble. Ruby enjoyed walking at every chance she got.
Went to the Cubs game after church on Sunday. I'll admit, I don't know much about baseball, but I always have a nice time at the ballpark--especially with our good friends, the Leamings!
Ruby did so well keeping her little sun bonnet on & actually watching the game on her Daddy's lap:)
Wayde and I (& Ruby) also got in some good quality thrifting time, which is probably one of our most favorite pastimes (if you don't already know). The Mister scored a couple pairs of fancy Allen Edmond shoes and I stumbled upon an entire BOX of vintage patterns!! I have tiny collection already started, so this was quite the score indeed.
Wayde looked extra dapper in his denim on denim ensemble. Ruby enjoyed walking at every chance she got.
And Mama enjoyed sneaking kisses at every chance I got!!
Went to the Cubs game after church on Sunday. I'll admit, I don't know much about baseball, but I always have a nice time at the ballpark--especially with our good friends, the Leamings!
Ruby did so well keeping her little sun bonnet on & actually watching the game on her Daddy's lap:)
To top it off, I've just recently been given a sewing machine AND surger this week! SO looking forward to some summer sewing projects xx
A Friday Night.

We stopped for some cool treats at Granny's Sweet Freeze Shoppe on our way home. I love discovering little gems like these nestled within the city. It reminds me of the Dari Barn in my hometown. Sweet nostalgia...
An Evening at Home
Evenings at our place are THE BEST. Especially when the place is clean and all the dishes are done.
Sometimes, we listen to records.
Sometimes, we like to watch cat videos on YouTube. Or these two do, at least.
And sometimes, we're so tired that we just crash on the couch before making it back to the bedroom.
The rose I got for Mother's Day has finally opened up! Roses are my favorite. I don't even care if it's cliche.
Yes, evenings at our place are lovely indeed xx
Mama's Day!
Today was (technically) my 1st Mother's Day!! It's crazy to think that this time last year I was still pregnant with Ruby. Not only that, but I didn't know if I was carrying a boy or a girl!
Having a daughter certainly makes life very sweet:)
Thanks to my excellent hubby, Wayde, for taking these special pics of me & my baby girl. I wouldn't be a Mama if it weren't for you!!
And a Happy Mother's Day to my own loving Mother, Grandmother, sisters, & friends xx
10 months old and already standing. I've even seen her take a couple steps before falling over. This is all happening WAY TOO FAST.
We started attending a class last night on parenting through our church. The facilitator likened the process of watching your child growing up to a cycle of mourning over their phases of development. I don't know if that makes sense to you, but I couldn't agree more with the sentiment. I love to see Ruby growing & learning, but at the same time, I'm sad that my baby is going away.
The thing I love about blogging is being able to access these special moments and share them with friends and family. Which is part of the reason I'm rejoining the blogosphere.
The other reason is that I got a new iPhone as an early Mother's Day gift (!) and I'm pretty stoked about the photo options. Plugging in the old Canon is a hassle when you've got a kiddo trying to get into everything... we go again!!
We started attending a class last night on parenting through our church. The facilitator likened the process of watching your child growing up to a cycle of mourning over their phases of development. I don't know if that makes sense to you, but I couldn't agree more with the sentiment. I love to see Ruby growing & learning, but at the same time, I'm sad that my baby is going away.
The thing I love about blogging is being able to access these special moments and share them with friends and family. Which is part of the reason I'm rejoining the blogosphere.
The other reason is that I got a new iPhone as an early Mother's Day gift (!) and I'm pretty stoked about the photo options. Plugging in the old Canon is a hassle when you've got a kiddo trying to get into everything... we go again!!
The little lady & I made a trip to Minneapolis this past weekend for some birthday fun times with dear friends.
Also, to meet Miss June Sunshine!! (daughter of Maren & Darin)
Dena's bathroom. I love this painting.
Visited the Midtown Global Market for Sunday lunch. Manny's Torta's. A band of long-haired older gentlemen playing a Talking Heads cover. Quite the spectacle!
Midtown signage.
Travelling alone with a 10 month old is no easy job, but I had a great time with my baby girl. Sometimes you just got to pull over and walk around an antique mall for a little break (which it TOTALLY OK with this Mama).
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