

A Peek Inside...Our Master Bedroom!

The rooms in our new house are slowly but surely coming together, with lots of furniture & picture shifting yet to take place. I'd like to think of our master bedroom as about 85% finished. It's just not quite there yet...

Almost everything you see in the above photo is from IKEA - the bed, the nightstands, the duvet cover, the wall hanging. I am undecided on how I feel about that.

This bedroom was the first project we tackled upon becoming homeowners. It really only required paint, as you can see why from the 'before' photo. Thankfully, I never had to wake up to this dreadful navy blue/ near black color scheme.

The paint color in my mind was more of a grayish-purple. A color that would leave the beholder questioning, "Is it gray? Or is it purple?" Well, there's no question about it, the walls are purple. As were walls in my high school and post-college bedrooms. Apparently, it's an ongoing theme in my life. And I'm ok with it.

There's still a lot of wall & floor space demanding to be covered, which is tricky if one prefers a more minimal look. Other than that, I really don't have any complaints. I dream of this place while I'm not dreaming in it.

So, there you have it! Looking forward to showing you more rooms as we piece them together...xx

And in case you missed it, a peek inside our living room!


  1. like, like, like, like, like

  2. I love the color scheme!

    PS- I nominated you for the Liebster award...

  3. I love this Erin - you are so stylish. I don't always comment but I love keeping up with you through your blog!
