

39 Weeks

The end is nigh... And I have good news—baby is head down!! You can come out anytime now, little one:)

I had another ultrasound this week to make sure. This time, the technician let me watch him/her for awhile, which was pretty incredible. I've never had an ultrasound this far along into a pregnancy. And well, you can see what I saw...

No need to strain...the above left pic looks like a baby sleeping on it's side, though somewhat ghostly.
Seeing it's sweet, fully-formed face ignited all this love I didn't know I had and a huge sense of anticipation for it's arrival. Not much longer until I get to plant my lips on those darling little cheeks!

I've also got this countdown (above right) going at my work desk. It had been a little crazy the last few weeks, so having this visual motivator has kept me clear-headed. Even if baby doesn't come before his/her due date, I'm hoping to spend a few days checking things of my to-do list and spoiling my dear Ruby. Her last days as an only child...don't even get me started on that.

I may be feeling a little too confident that I won't go before my due date, as I've been scheduling appointments and coffee dates for next week (!). Really, I'm just hoping to jinx myself;) Breaking news will be posted to my Instagram or Twitter feeds.

What do you think it is...BOY or GIRL?? xx

1 comment:

  1. I keep having to stop myself from checking my phone every half hour for news. ;)
