

It's Been Awhile...and IT'S A BOY!!

I sort of dropped things off after a 39 weeks pregnant post, so you can probably figure out what has been keeping me occupied since then. Well, this little guy...

Born July 28th, 1:39 pm; 8 lbs 3 oz, 21.5 in

Happy, healthy, and oh so handsome. Thanks be to God. The past couple months have been spent getting adjusted to my new role as a Mama of TWO precious little ones and more recently (which I can FINALLY announce) as a STAY-AT-HOME-MAMA! My two weeks notice of resignation from my work was just submitted this week. I'm still sort of in a daze about it, but feel it is the best decision for our family. 

I've had a lot of time to think about life and things while on my maternity leave. About the kind of Wife/ Mama/ Friend/ Christian I want to be. Do I continue blogging? I want to. I'm not sure though if I want to resume writing here or start fresh somewhere else. 600 posts into "soZealous" and it still kind of feels like a big mess to me. Regardless, it's good to be back...xx

1 comment:

  1. just discovering your blog. congratulations! being a momma is the most rewarding (and most exhausting) job ever! ;)
