A Trip to the Library [8/31].
Papa had a sick day today, so we spent most of it out of the house in order for him to get some rest. So the kids & I went to the library. I'm still getting used to taking both of them out at the same time, which is no easy task. And I used to think just taking Ruby to the store was a challenge...
You'd think a trip to the library would be making an effort to reduce screen time, but I spent a good chunk of it supervising Ruby at the computer station. I truly want my children to love & appreciate books, but there's a lot to compete with in this age of iPhones and televisions.
Baby boy slept most of the time we were at the library, which made it easier for this Mama to wrangle the mobile kid. Thank you, sweet Sterling.
Can I just be honest now?
It's days like today where I feel really burdened by this 31 Days challenge. I'm behind on my housework, my sleep, my devotions--all so I can squeeze in the time to write a silly blog entry. I committed to this challenge so I could engage with the community and I barely have enough time to write my own post, let alone read any others. And it's only Day 8.
Just feeling discouraged...
I love your honesty. Super love it. Writing should be fun and engaging. You are right- I haven't read a lot of posts either...just yours and a couple others. But writing more has me thinking more and sharing more and that's unloading burdens in a different way. Praying for confidence for you. (insert kiss face emoticon because I love ya)