Establishing A Start Time...Is A Good Idea [7/31].
One piece of advice that was given to me in regards to being a SAHM was to have a start time. My pastor's wife suggested this when I shared with her my struggle to get into a routine. It worked for her when she transitioned from one kid to two kids.
I've been meaning to implement this for weeks now and with what would've been my return-to-work date approaching shortly, I wouldn't have had a choice but to have a start time if I were going back.
Today was going to be that day...but then last night happened.
Currently, Sterling is on the tail-end (or I'm hoping what is the tail-end) of a colic-y phase. I refused to accept that it was colic until I googled it. "Episodes of crying for more than three hours a day for more than three days a week for three weeks in an otherwise healthy child between the ages of two weeks and four months," according to Wikipedia. Yep, that sounded about right.
Ruby experienced the same thing too where she would just cry, inconsolably, for hours on end. At least this time with Sterling we know that it's not something wrong with him and, better yet, it doesn't last forever. Still, those intense moments can break down the strongest & most loving of parents.
Sterling's spell last night took place sometime around midnight, which is later than usual, after everyone else had gone to bed. He's been a bit congested too, which I'm attributing to the changing of seasons. Anyway, I ended up sleeping on the couch, holding him upright so his sinuses could drain more easily. And that was after I paced around the house with him for what seemed like an eternity.
So. Totally. Exhausting.
I forgot to mention that our 2 year old slept in a tent last night as well. We heard some noise coming from her sleeping quarters about an hour after putting her to bed. Wayde went to investigate and found her playing in the castle tent that we have pitched in her room. He made a deal with her that she could stay in it if she would go to sleep in it. And surprisingly, she did! All night long.
I kind of love that my husband didn't make her go back into her big girl bed. I come from a long line of people who sleep in random places other than beds (by choice), so it kind of made me proud of her.
We all ended up waking for the day around 8 a.m. (which is later than my desired start time of 7 a.m.). To a messier than usual house, I might add. What a way to start the week...
But you know what?
This day wasn't a complete wash. I got to take a shower. I went to a coffee shop with Sterling and hand-wrote this blog post over a cup of cheeseburger chowder. I got caught up on my Bible-In-A-Year readings (which is probably the only New Year's resolution I've ever followed through with this far into the year). And not only did I tidy the house, but I did the dishes and a load of laundry too!
Actually, today has been a pretty good day. It's gone by fast, as most days do now that I have children. Something I try to remind myself of when I'm trying to calm my baby in the middle of the night. This is such a short, short season. But it's my favorite one yet. xx
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