
Is It Summer Yet?

 Because, we're ready!! Ready for some beautiful evening walks after the heat of the day has subsided. These instax pics were taken at Gray's Lake this week during our stroll.

I love the way our individual portraits blend together to make one picture. I've already got this arrangement framed in Ruby's room.

 My toes are ready! I don't know why I held off for so long before hitting the pedicure bandwagon, but I am FAN. One of my new favorite things to do with my Mom & sisters.

 My feet are ready! Now that I finally got a spiffy, red pair of Saltwaters! I had been watching the website for a couple weeks trying to score some in my size. AT LAST.

Wayde thought it would be funny to photo-bomb me trying to take a pic of my feet. Real funny, Hubby. Haha.

 My wardrobe is...uh, getting there. I've been looking for inspiration in some catalogues and DIY books hoping to piece together some fun summer ensembles. Now that I'm working with this post-baby body of mine, it's been a challenge to find outifts that are both stylish and flattering. Also, MORE COLOR!!

 Ready for our summer shows! Well, at least one. AGT, baby. That's right. Don't judge. We don't let Ruby watch a lot of TV, but she seems to enjoy the dance acts already. It's not like we're going to be able to avoid it forever...

Ready for more ice cream! With these two. We took this at the end of a pretty exhausting day. And somehow, it helped make things feel a little better.

I love this photo of them. A friend suggesting retaking this photo of them when Ruby is eighteen to compare & contrast. That I don't know if I'll ever be ready for...xx

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